This is a replacement Smokeless Grill Tray Insert. It is suitable for replacing spare parts with 4055565081 part number for Electrolux Ovens and Cooktops.

SALIN is a leading Australian appliance spare parts distributor specializing in ELECTROLUX applicances. We take pride in our ability to bring hard-to-find ELECTROLUX spare parts into the Australian market. We are proudly Australian-owned and operated. Our sales office is conveniently located in Sydney, NSW. Most of our ELECTROLUX range is genuine.  

Part No4055565081
NotesElectrolux, Westinghouse Grill Rack Insert.Part No. 4055565081.Replaces Part No. 0028025393.Single enamel grill insert tray.Dimensions 29.8cm x 38.3cm.Suits many models including WFE619SA, 94000183024, WFE517SA, 94000182424, WVE665W, 94403169923, WVE665S, 94403169823, WVE636W, 94403170323, WVE636S, 94403170223, WVE626W, 94403170123, WVE626S, 94403170023, WFE547SA, 94000182323, WVE616W, 94403168723, WVE616S, 94403168623, 94000182423, WVE615WH, 94403172023, WVE615SH, 94403172123, DSN635S, DSN635W, DSN635W*32, POR663S, POR663W, POR667S, 94403144272, POR667W, POR668S, POR668W, POR668S*02, POR668W*02, PDR790S, PDR790W, PDR790S*02, PDR790W*02, POR883S, 94403151670, POR883W, 94403137870, 94403151671, 94403146172, 94403146272, GOR474SLP, GOR474SNG, GOR474WLP, GOR474WNG, GOR476SLP, GOR476SNG, GOR476WLP, GOR476WNG, GXR650SLP, GXR650SNG, GXR650WLP, GXR650WNG, PON663S, PON663W, PON667S, PON667W, PON668S, PON668W, POP663S, POP663W, POP667S, POP667W, POP668S, POP668W, POP663S*02, POP663W*02, POP667S*02, POP667W*02, POP668W*02, POP668S*02, GON474SLP, GON474SNG, GON474WLP, GON474WNG, GON476SLP, GON476SNG, GON476WLP, GON476WNG, PON663S*40, PXR688S, PXR688W, PXR698S, PON663W*40, PXR698W, PON667S*40, PON667W*40, PON668S*40, PON668W*40, PAK806W, PAK808W, PXN688S, PXN688W, PXN688W*32, PXN698S, PXN698W, PXN698W*32, PGP657S, PGP657W, PGP659S, PGP659W, PXP688S, PXP688W, PXP698S, GSP625SLP, GSP625SNG, GSP627SLP, PXP698W, PXP688S*02, GSP627SNG, PXP688W*02, GSP625WLP, GSP625WNG, PXP698S*02, PXP698W*02, POP883S, PGR657S, PGR657W, PGR659S, PGR659W, PORS663S-L, PORS663S-R, PORS663W-L, PORS663W-R, PORS668S-L, PORS668S-R, PORS668W-L, PORS668W-R, PORS668SL*02, PORS668SR*02, PORS668WL*02, PORS668WR*02, PAK806W*40, PAK808W*40, GSN625SLP, GSN625SNG, GSN625WLP, GSN625WLP*32, GSN625WNG, GSN625WNG*32, GSN627SLP, GSN627SNG, GOP474SLP, POPS663S*02, GOP474SNG, GOP474WLP, GOP474WNG, POPS663W*02, GOP476SLP, POPS668S*02, POPS668W*02, GOP476SNG, GOP476WLP, GOP476WNG, PXN688S*40, PXN688W*40, PXN698S*40, PXN698W*40, POPS663S, POPS663W, POPS668S, POPS668W, PGN657S*40, DSP635S, DSP635W, PGN657W*40, PGN659S*40, PGN659W*40, GOP474SLP*03, GOP474SNG*03, GOP474WLP*03, GOP474WNG*03, GOP476SLP*03, GOP476SNG*03, GOP476WLP*03, GOP476WNG*03, PDN790S, PDN790W, GGR475SLP, GGR475SNG, GGR475WLP, GGR475WNG, PXN688S*38, PXN688W*38, PXN698S*38, PXN698W*38, GXN650SLP*38, GXN650SNG*38, GXN650WLP*38, GXN650WNG*38, 4U603W*39, 4U603W*40, 4U604W*39, 4U604W*40, 4U605W*39, 4U605W*40, 4U606W*39, 4U606W*40, 4U608W*39, 4U608W*40, PGP657S*02, PGP657W*02, GSP625SLP*60, PGP659S*02, PDP790S*04, PDP790W*04, PGP659W*02, GSP625SNG*60, GSP627SLP*60, GSP627SNG*60, GSP625WLP*60, GSP625WNG*60, PSN632S*40, PSN632W*40, 4U603W*01, 4U604W*01, 4U605W*01, 4U606W*01, 4U608W*01, PPN776S*46, PPN776W*46, PPN778S*46, PPN778W*46, PSP632S*60, PSP632W*60, GOP474SLP*02, GOP474SNG*02, GOP474WLP*02, GOP474WNG*02, PDN794S, PDN794W, GOP476SLP*02, GOP476SNG*02, GOP476WLP*02, GOP476WNG*02, GGP475SLP, GGP475SNG, GGP475WLP, GGP475WNG, PDP794S, PDP794W, PDN790S*40, PDN790W*40, PPP776S*02, PPP776W*02, PPR776S, PPR776W, PPP776S, PPP776W, PDN790S*04, PDN790W*04, GXN650SLP, GXN650SNG, GXN650WLP, GXN650WNG, PDN790W*32, GXN650WNG*32, GXN650WLP*32, GOP474SLP*01, GOP474SNG*01, GOP474WLP*01, GOP474WNG*01, GOP476SLP*01, GOP476SNG*01, GOP476WLP*01, GOP476WNG*01, GXP650SLP*02, GXP650SNG*02, GXP650WLP*02, GXP650WNG*02, PGN657S, PGN657W, PGN657W*32, DSN635S*40, PGN659S, PGN659W, PGN659W*32, DSN635W*40, PDP794S*02, PDP794W*02, PDR794S, PDR794W, 4U613W(SATURN), POR783S, 94403164269, 94403164272, POR667SH, 944031715, POR667WH, 944031714, DSP635S*60, DSP635W*60, PDP790W, PAK806W*60, GXP650SLP, GXP650SNG, GXP650WLP, GXP650WNG, GSP625SLP*03, GSP627SLP*03, GSP627SNG*03, GSP625WNG*03, GSP625SNG*03, GSP625WLP*03, GXP650SLP*03, GXP650SNG*03, GXP650WLP*03, GXP650WNG*03, PDP790S*02, PDP790W*02, PAK808W*39, PAK806W*39, PDN790S*38, PDN790W*38, GGP475SLP*03, GGP475SNG*03, 4U606W*58, 4U608W*58, GGP475WLP*03, GGP475WNG*03, 4U603W, 4U604W, 4U605W, PAK808W*01, PPN776S, PPN776W, PPN778S, PPN778W, PON667S*04, PON667W*04, PON668S*04, PDN794S*04, PDN794W*04, PON668W*04, PDN794W*32, PPN776S*04, PPN776W*04, PPN776W*32, PPN778S*04, PPN778W*04, PPN778W*32, PSN632S, PSN632W, PSN632W*32, PAK806W*32, 4U603W*32, 4U604W*32, PAK808W*32, 4U605W*32, 4U606W*32, 4U608W*32, 4U605W*37, PAK806W*37, PAK808W*37, 4U606W*37, 4U608W*37, PPN776S*45, PSN632S*37, PPN776W*45, PON663W*32, PPN778S*45, PSN632W*37, PPN778W*45, PON667W*32, PON668W*32, PPN776S*37, PPN778W*37, PPN776W*37, PPN778S*37, POP783S, PPN776S*47, POP783S*02, PPN776W*47, PPN778S*47, PPN778W*47, PAK806W*46, PAK808W*46, 4U606W*60, 4U608W*60, 94000173165, 94000173265, GXP650SLP*01, GXP650SNG*01, GXP650WLP*01, GXP650WNG*01, GON476SNG*04, GON476SLP*04, GON476WNG*04, GON476WLP*04, GGP475SLP*01, GGP475SNG*01, GGP475WLP*01, GGP475WNG*01, GON474WNG*32, GON474WLP*32, GON476WNG*32, PDR794S*02, GON476WLP*32, PDR794W*02, 943000914, WFE619WA, 943000915, WFG617SANG, 943000916, 943000917, WFG617WANG, 943000918, WFG617WALP, 943000919, PONS663S, PONS663W, PONS663W*32, PONS667S, PONS667W, PONS667W*32, PDN794S*40, PDN794W*40, PSP632S, 94000174664, PSP632W, 94000174764, 94000181366, 94000181466, 94403146072, 4U606W, 94000170667, 94000170767, 94000173267, 94403145269, 94403145369, 94300083764, 94300083864, 94300083964, 94300084064, GSN625SLP*33, GSN625SNG*33, GSN625WLP*33, GSN625WNG*33, GSN627SLP*33, GSN627SNG*33, GGN475SLP, GGN475SNG, GGN475WLP, GGN475WNG, WVE616SCC, 944031718, WVE677SCC, 944031719, WVE645S, 944031694, 944031700, 944031698, 944031699, 944031701, 944031702, 944031703, WVEP618S, 944031692, WVE655S, 944031696, WVEP618W, 944031693, WVE617SN, 944031722, WVG655SLP, 944031676, WVG655SNG, 944031710, WVG655WLP, 944031677, WVG655WNG, 944031709, POR783S*02, 944031686, 944031687, WFE647SA, 94000182716, 94000182816, 94300091616, 94300091716, 94300091816, WFG617SALP, 94000183316, 94300091916, WFE616SA, 940001829, 94000183016, 94000183116, 940001832, 940001833, 940001834, 940001835, 94000183216, 94000183416, 94000183516, 94403145303, 94403145403, PXN698S*04, PXN698W*04, PONS663S*40, PONS663W*40, PONS667S*40, PONS667W*40, GGP475SLP*02, GGP475SNG*02, GGP475WLP*02, GGP475WNG*02, 940001830, 940001831, 940001824, 940001823, 94000182717, WFE647WA, 94000182817, 94000183217, 94000183317, 94000183417, 94000183517, 94000183017, 94000183117, 4U603W*04, 4U604W*04, POLARIS, 4U605W*04, 4U606W*04, 4U608W*04, 94000170665, 4U608W, 94000170765, EVE614BA, 94403172309, EVE626BA, 94403172412, EVEP614BB, 944031665, EVE636BA, 94403172509, GGN475WLP*32, GGN475WNG*32, 94403172101, 94403172001, 94403170101, 94403170301, WVE655W, 94403169701, 94403169901, 94403167601, 94403171001, 94403167701, 94403170901, PDP790S, 94000183018, 94000183118, 94000183019, 94000183119, 94000183218, 94000183318, 94000183418, 94000183518, GEMINI, 4U604W*46, APOLLO, 4U606W*46, ALPHA, 4U608W*46, 94000182719, 94000182819, 94000183219, 94000183319, 94000183419, 94000183519, WVE607S, 940001857, SATURN, 4U613W*46, 94403137863, PAK806W*01, 94403151663, 94403151669, 94403137869, 94403145572, 94403145672, 944031697, WVG665SLP, 944031678, WVG665SNG, 944031708, WVG665WLP, 944031679, WVG665WNG, 944031711, 940001827, 940001828, 944031721, 944031720, 94403146569, 94403146669, 94403146769, 94403146869, 94403146572, 94403146672, 94403146772, 94403146872, 94403146503, 94403146603, 94403146703, 94403146803, 94403144372, 94403144872, 94403144972, 94403145703, 94403145803, 94403145769, 94403145869, 94403145772, 94403145872, 94403145773, 94403145873, 94403143672, 94403143772, 94403147372, 94403147472, 94403147572, 94403147672, 94000174666, 94000174766, 94403147773, 94403147873, 94403147973, 94403148073, 94403146173, 94403146273, 94403143603, 94403143703, 94403143669, 94403143769, POR663SCC, 944031511, 94403151103, POR663WCC, 944031512, 94403151203, 94403172417, 94403172419, 94403172420, 94403172517, 94403172519, 94000185717, 94000185719, 94403170217, 94403172117, 94403172119, 94403172017, 94403172019, 94403170017, 94403170019, 94403170020, 94403170117, 94403170119, 94403170120, 94403170219, 94403170317, 94403170319, 94403169417, 94403169419, 94403169617, 94403169619, 94403169717, 94403169719, 94403169817, 94403169819, 94403169820, 94403169917, 94403169919, 94403169920, 94403167617, 94403167619, 94403171017, 94403171019, 94403167717, 94403167719, 94403170917, 94403170919, 94403167817, 94403167819, 94403170817, 94403170819, 94403167917, 94403167919, 94403171117, 94403171119, 94000174669, 94000174769, 94403144472, 94403144572, 94403144672, 94403144772, 94403168617, 94403168619, 94403168717, 94403168719, 94403147072, 94403146972, 94403147172, 94403147272, EVE616SC, 944031730, EVE626SC, 944031734, EVE636SC, 944031736, EVEP614SC, 944031726, EVEP626SC, 944031735, EVE614SC, 944031727, EVEP618SC, 944031733, 94403151600, 94403145169, 94403145172, 94403145272, 94403173019, 94403169424. If you are not sure of the suitability, contact us with the full model number of your stove and we can check with the manufacturer
TitleSmokeless Grill Tray Insert For Electrolux POR668W Ovens and Cooktops
CategoryAppliance Spares > Kitchen Appliances > Ovens & Cooktops
Replacement ItemSmokeless Grill Tray Insert
Compatible Brands✔ Electrolux
✔ Westinghouse
Replacing Parts✔ 0028025393
Suitable Models✔  Electrolux WFE619SA
✔  Electrolux 94000183024
✔  Electrolux WFE517SA
✔  Electrolux 94000182424
✔  Electrolux WVE665W
✔  Electrolux 94403169923
✔  Electrolux WVE665S
✔  Electrolux 94403169823
✔  Electrolux WVE636W
✔  Electrolux 94403170323
✔  Electrolux WVE636S
✔  Electrolux 94403170223
✔  Electrolux WVE626W
✔  Electrolux 94403170123
✔  Electrolux WVE626S
✔  Electrolux 94403170023
✔  Electrolux WFE547SA
✔  Electrolux 94000182323
✔  Electrolux WVE616W
✔  Electrolux 94403168723
✔  Electrolux WVE616S
✔  Electrolux 94403168623
✔  Electrolux 94000182423
✔  Electrolux WVE615WH
✔  Electrolux 94403172023
✔  Electrolux WVE615SH
✔  Electrolux 94403172123
✔  Electrolux DSN635S
✔  Electrolux DSN635W
✔  Electrolux DSN635W*32
✔  Electrolux POR663S
✔  Electrolux POR663W
✔  Electrolux POR667S
✔  Electrolux 94403144272
✔  Electrolux POR667W
✔  Electrolux POR668S
✔  Electrolux POR668W
✔  Electrolux POR668S*02
✔  Electrolux POR668W*02
✔  Electrolux PDR790S
✔  Electrolux PDR790W
✔  Electrolux PDR790S*02
✔  Electrolux PDR790W*02
✔  Electrolux POR883S
✔  Electrolux 94403151670
✔  Electrolux POR883W
✔  Electrolux 94403137870
✔  Electrolux 94403151671
✔  Electrolux 94403146172
✔  Electrolux 94403146272
SKU NumberFIT_0001391_001_00037


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SKU FIT_0001391_001_00037
Brand Electrolux