Fridges & Freezers

Fridges and freezers are staples of our kitchen.  Manufacturers design them to work for at least ten to fifteen years. Along the way, there might be some minor issues that can be solved by a small replacement. Salin Appliance Spares has a very good reputation for sales and repair of fridges and freezers. We engineered an extensive specialist appliance spare range for you to find exactly what you are looking for.

With our wide range of appliance spares range, Salin Appliance Spares have almost every part you need for repairing  LG, Samsung, Electrolux, Fisher & Paykel, Vintec, Westinghouse and Bosch fridges and freezers as well as many other brands that are actively used in our households for the last 20 years.

We have more than 15,000 unique fridges and freezers parts in stock including many varieties of printed control boards, shelves, racks, cover, facia, drawer, handle, hinge and many more...

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